How To Avoid Accidents Outside Your Litter Box For Your Senior Cat

If you’re reading this, it’s probably because you have an elderly cat. Maybe they’re a little slow, a little forgetful, or maybe they just don’t move as fast as they used to. No matter the reason for your cat’s diminished mobility, you want to ensure their litter box experience is as comfortable and stress-free as possible.

Older cats are often less flexible than younger cats—their bones may be more brittle or their joints less flexible—making it difficult for them to get into or out of a typical litter box. The best way to accommodate your aging cat’s needs is to find a litter box with easier access. One option is a covered litter box with lower sides, which allows cats with limited mobility to step in and out more easily. It also helps prevent smells from escaping and makes cleanup easier!

Keep an eye on how much your cat uses the box. If they seem reluctant to use it or go more than once a day, something may be wrong with them physically (such as arthritis) or psychologically (perhaps they don’t feel comfortable enough with you yet). Make sure they can get into and out of their box easily by making sure there are no obstacles like carcating around it (or placing their food bowl nearby so that they can eat without having to walk across any carcats).

Feline House Soiling

If your cat still isn’t using the litter box after making these changes, give us a call at 479-571-1228 to schedule a check-up. We can help determine what might be going on, and prescribe medication if necessary.