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Purrfect Ways To Be a Great Cat Owner

August 15, 2024

Cats are undoubtedly one of the easiest animals to raise. Fluffy will take care of her own grooming needs, so you will not have to walk or train her. The majority of cats spend a tremendous amount of time napping, which makes life easier for their people. (Actually, these tiny furballs are very good at convincing us to pamper them, but that’s another story.) Fluffy may be self-sufficient, but she requires more than just fresh water and kibble to be happy and healthy. This article features tips from a local Fayetteville, AR vet on how to be a wonderful cat owner.

Keep Your Feline Friend Inside

Kitties may adore exploring, but the Great Outdoors is simply not safe for them. Fluffy is immediately exposed to a variety of threats when she steps outside. These include automobiles, weather, other cats, predators, and poisons. Cats that venture outside are also at a higher danger of becoming lost, stolen, or killed.

Grounding Fluffy not only keeps your pet safe, but it also helps to safeguard surrounding animals. Cats aren’t just beautiful and eccentric; they’re also fluffy little serial killers. Fluffy hunts and kills a wide range of animals, including numerous endangered species.

Give Your Feline Buddy Good Food

There are a few things to consider when feeding your cat. Fluffy’s specific nutritional requirements should be determined based on her age, health, and lifestyle. However, you must also select whether to feed your cat wet food or kibble, and whether to feed her at set times or free feed. Ask your Fayetteville, AR veterinarian for particular guidance.

The most difficult step may be deciding which brand to use. Companies have mastered advertising tricks and employ highly sophisticated strategies to ensure that their products appear the best. Make sure you read labels carefully.

Pet food manufacturers are required to label their products in specific ways, just as they are for humans. The first ingredient on the label is the major ingredient, or the one with the highest percentage or ratio. Meat, fish, and poultry should be the first and most prominent ingredients on the label. Avoid companies with long ingredient lists full of unpronounceable jargon that sound like science projects.

Fresh water is also necessary. You might want to try getting your pet a drinking fountain; cats enjoy drinking running water.

What Can I Do To Keep My Feline Companion Happier?

Cats cannot spend all of their time sleeping, no matter how hard they try. Boredom is no more enjoyable for kitties than it is for humans.

Keep your adorable pet entertained by giving her a range of toys, and spending at least a few minutes each day playing with her. Fluffy may look really cute when she is pouncing on and chasing after objects, but this is serious business for her. She is replicating the hunting habits and skills that would help her catch supper in the wild.

Keep in mind that each cat has unique tastes. Some prefer wand toys, others prefer catnip mice, some want to chase the laser pointer’s red dot, and some simply want to bat ice cubes, paper balls, or bottle caps around. Try a couple things and see what Fluffy prefers.

Take Your Cat To The Vet Regularly

While cats are tough, they are not invincible, as many of them seem to think.

We recommend that all cats be microchipped, spayed, or neutered. Preventative care is also essential for protecting your pet from a wide range of hazardous parasites and infections. Fluffy will need core immunizations, which include rabies, feline calicivirus, feline herpesvirus-1, feline panleukopenia, and (FeLV) feline leukemia. If your feline companion is more than a year old, your veterinarian may additionally recommend immunizations for (FeLV), Chlamydia felis, and Bordetella bronchiseptica.

Controlling parasites is also vital. Even indoor cats can become plagued with fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes. You can choose from a range of products, so consult your veterinarian to determine which one is best for you.

In between checkups, look for signs of disease. Kitties can be difficult in this area, since they prefer to conceal symptoms of illness as long as they can. This is an instinctive behavior, as displaying signs of illness in the environment can attract predators. Unfortunately, your cat may not show indications of sickness until she is really unwell.

Here are some things to look for:

  • Poor grooming
  • Withdrawal
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Reduced appetite
  • Litterbox Avoidance
  • Respiratory issues
  • Discharge
  • Grumpiness
  • Lethargy
  • Fever
  • Disorientation
  • Uncharacteristic behavior or vocalizations

If you see any of these symptoms or anything else wrong, please contact your Fayetteville, AR animal clinic immediately.

Petproof Your Home to Keep Your Cat Safe

Even though cats do not have nine lives, it is easy to see where the old wives’ tale originated. Fluffy is prone to mischief and occasionally narrowly avoids it.

We strongly advise petproofing, which entails removing or fastening anything that is not suitable for cats. Small or pointy objects like beads, buttons, safety pins, jewelry, and toy components, as well as plastic bags and ties, anything ropy or stringy, and hazardous plants, should all be addressed. (Note: The ASPCA website contains a complete list of safe and dangerous plants.)

Another major worry is the usage of chemicals and pharmaceuticals. Poisonings are one of the most common reasons for emergency visits and, tragically, one of the leading causes of pet death.

Here are some of the hazardous items for cats:

  • Cleaning Agents
  • Paint
  • Drain Openers
  • Detergents
  • Automotive Products
  • Fertilizer
  • Pesticides
  • Rodenticides
  • Antifreeze
  • Bug Spray
  • Medication, including prescribed and over-the-counter medications.

Contact your Fayetteville, AR veterinarian for further information.

Make Your Home Cat Friendly

Fluffy can be content in a variety of environments, from a little bedroom to a vast mansion. However, regardless of how large your home is, making it cat-friendly is essential.

Adding cat furniture will help. Fluffy will adore a cat tower, which serves as both a scratching post and a lookout position.

You may also make your home more enjoyable for your pet by providing great views and providing things for her to explore. A comfortable window seat with a nice view may keep a cat amused for hours. Fluffy enjoys birdwatching! If you really want to go all out, build a catio or enclosure for your pet.

Make Your Cat Feel Loved!

Last but not least, you’ll need to keep the motor running! Fluffy needs a sense of belonging and security. Spend time every day with your feline companion and simply pay attention to her. Talking to your pet might help her feel appreciated and help her to bond to you. Some cats will answer back, while others will simply listen. Either is fine. The crucial thing is that your feline companion recognizes you are attempting to connect with her. You may find yourself melting when your furry companion cuddles up to you or looks up at you with that endearing feline affection.

Make An Appointment At Our Fayetteville, AR Pet Hospital

If you have any questions about cat care, please contact us at your local Fayetteville, AR pet hospital. We are dedicated to offering exceptional service!

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Does your feline companion have a cat tower? Kitties are really adept at making themselves

Purrfect Ways To Be a Great Cat Owner

Cats are undoubtedly one of the easiest animals to raise. Fluffy will take care of