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Senior Cat Care

October 1, 2024

Is your kitty a fluffy, meowing senior? Fluffy is adorable at every stage of her life. While it’s difficult to top the charming kitten era in terms of sheer cuteness, senior cats are also incredibly endearing and appealing. By the time your feline friend reaches her golden years, she will have likely stopped some of her more extreme playful behaviors and will spend most of her time napping and silently judging you. Of course, she will still require some TLC. In this article, a local Northwest Arkansas veterinarian provides some guidance on how to keep a senior cat happy.

How Can I Tell if My Elderly Cat is Healthy?

Your veterinarian should be the ultimate authority on this matter.

As your pet ages, keep a watch out for signs of illness. Older cats, like people, are more likely to develop certain ailments.

Watch out for the following:

  • Appetite Changes
  • Litterbox Woes
  • Lethargy
  • Withdrawal
  • Uncharacteristic Grumpiness
  • Vomiting
  • Having Trouble Eating
  • Behavioral Changes
  • Various Sleep Patterns
  • Vision Loss
  • Reduced Mobility
  • Weight Loss Or Gain
  • Increased Thirst
  • Disorientation
  • Excessive Grooming
  • Increased Vocalization
  • Low Levels Of Activity
  • Untidy Coat

If you detect any of those, contact your veterinarian straight away. Cats naturally try to hide signs of disease, so you may not notice anything wrong until your pet is really ill!

If Fluffy is diagnosed with a specific condition, your veterinarian will be able to provide more specific information about what to look for.

Why Does My 17-Year-Old Cat Keep Meowing?

It is not unusual for senior cats to become quite loud. There are several possible causes for this. Your furry best friend may be reacting to pain, so have her examined by your veterinarian. This is especially crucial if you have only recently seen anything.

It’s also possible that your cat is terrified or confused. Fluffy may notice changes as she ages and may be upset about them. She may perhaps simply want to be soothed more. Pay close attention to her, and don’t skimp on cuddling requests! Just be gentle, especially when picking up or putting your pet down.

How Do I Take Care of an Older Cat?

Fluffy’s care requirements will be largely the same as those of any other cat. Let’s go over the basics:

Diet: Good cat care begins with good food. You should consult your veterinarian about your cat’s nutrition and ask for some advice on when and how to transition to a senior-formula food. Be mindful about portion sizes! Overfeeding your feline pal even slightly might lead her to gain excess weight.

Grooming: Our feline friends are fairly competent at keeping themselves tidy. However, as they age, this becomes more difficult. Fluffy will have a more difficult time bending and stretching to reach her entire body. Brush her tenderly. This will remove the dead fur and dander from her coat, allowing her to be more comfortable and protected from heat and cold.

Safety: Older cats lack the strength and agility of their younger counterparts. While we encourage keeping all cats indoors, this is especially true for elderly kitties, who may be too slow to run up a tree or avoid an oncoming car. Furthermore, senior cats tend to get confused and forgetful. Fluffy may lose track of her whereabouts and be unable to find her way home!

Why Does My Senior Cat Seem Sad?

There is no single answer to this one. Kitties can be incredibly emotional. For example, if Fluffy has recently changed owners, she may miss her old family. If that’s the case, your pet may be sad.

It’s also conceivable that Fluffy isn’t depressed at all, but simply less lively and frisky than she once was. This is natural for senior cats; we all slow down with age. That is true for both pets and people! However, if your cat appears depressed, sullen, or cranky, this could be an indicator of a medical problem. Call your veterinarian right away.

How Do I Know If My Senior Cat Is Happy?

To be fair, cats can be quite perplexing, to say the least. After all, Fluffy is the only one of our animal companions who enjoys biting us just for fun. Many cats continue to be lively and frisky even as they get older. If Fluffy is interactive, alert, and responsive, this is a good indicator. If your furry friend enjoys channeling her inner kitten, she’s probably in a good mood. Affectionate purrs and cuddles are also great indicators.

If your furry friend seems generally calm and even a little bossy, that’s another sign that she’s happy.

How Do You Keep An Elderly Cat Interested?

Fluffy will most likely have outgrown her need to bat her favorite toys around in the middle of the night, and she will no longer be as pleased to locate a moth in the kitchen as she was when she was younger. Nonetheless, she will enjoy and benefit from playing.

Hold a laser pointer or feather toy for your canine companion to pounce on. This not only helps your cute pet stay strong and fit, but it also provides cerebral stimulation. That is really crucial! Cats, like people, can suffer from cognitive deterioration.

Don’t be concerned about overdoing it; even a few minutes every day will be good. If your cat becomes sleepy, she’ll simply wander away and take another snooze.

How Can I Make My Home More Comfortable for My Senior Cat?

There are several options. We’ve already discussed beds, but it’s worth repeating. There’s never enough napping spaces for cats. Another item we would propose is getting Fluffy a litterbox with low sides. Cats typically find these easier to manage than normal ones.

You may also want to provide extra water stations and litter boxes, as well as a nightlight for your pet to help her navigate after dark.

Your cat will also appreciate a comfortable window seat, preferably with a decent view.

What Age Is Too Old For A Cat?

The average kitten lifespan ranges from 12 to 18 years. Of fact, 15 or 16 is a very old age for Fluffy. At this stage, your pet would be deemed elderly. However, don’t get caught up with the figures. Nowadays, cats can survive into their late teens or early twenties. Your feline companion could still have years of pounces and purrs ahead of her.

How Can I Make an Older Cat Feel Comfortable?

Older cats, like us, tend to get stiff and sore. This may make it difficult for Fluffy to jump and climb. She may also have difficulty reaching her preferred napping locations. Footstools, pet ramps, or stairs will all benefit your older pet.

Fluffy will enjoy and appreciate having a variety of napping spots. She won’t mind sleeping on your bed or couch, but she would benefit from having her own beds.

We’d also propose giving your furry friend a comfortable window seat with an appealing view. Cats love to observe birds and squirrels.

Make An Appointment At Our Northwest Arkansas Pet Clinic

Do you have any queries about caring for older cats? Please do not hesitate to contact us. As your Northwest Arkansas animal clinic, we are here to assist!

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